Designed as part of a new hospitality precinct, the Canberra Centre Parents Room is a highly functional space that caters to the diverse needs of parents and their children. The team at Mather Architecture has created an immersive, modern, and playful experience that focuses on inclusivity and neurodiversity.

Canberra Centre Parents Room Corian

Soft upholstered seating and plywood panels, reminiscent of building blocks, contribute to a playful ambiance, along with low-level play panels showcasing vibrant shapes. Corian® Dove and Verdant were selected for their complementary soft tones that enhance the playful colours of the Parents room. Curved elements unify the space and delineate key areas such as the kitchen and changing rooms.

Drawing inspiration from theatre set design, the incorporation of wall-mounted children's play panels, reminiscent of those found in educational settings, adds a familiar touch that encourages imaginative play. Furthermore, the room's soft lighting and acoustic ceiling details provide a serene retreat from the sensory stimuli of the bustling shopping centre environment.

Hygiene and safety

Canberra Centre Parents Room Corian

For parents, hygiene is non-negotiable. In a space dedicated to the care of infants and young children, cleanliness is not just desirable but essential. Spills, stains, and messes are inevitable occurrences, requiring surfaces that can be easily cleaned and sanitised. Corian® is a non-porous surface resisting the growth of bacteria and mould, which makes it the ideal choice of material for this project. Its seamless and continuous design eliminates crevices where dirt and germs can accumulate, providing peace of mind to parents who prioritise the health and wellbeing of their children. Additionally, the seamlessness of the changing tables eliminates protruding edges or joints, making it safer for parents while manoeuvring their little ones during nappy changes.

Corian® colours used

  • Dove
  • Verdant