The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning will hold a symposium celebrating the school’s centenary by reflecting on the past, discussing current challenges and exploring how we can design for the next century.

The Sydney Centennial series focuses on defining the role of architecture, design and planning for ensuring a sustainable future of our planet. The series is an acknowledgement of the fact that we will likely not be here in 100 years when the next Centennial event takes place, and thus need to collaborate not only within and across our disciplines but also across generations to ensure that the planet and humanity will still exist in 2118.

The first symposium as part of this series will be held to coincide with the Centenary celebrations of the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning. The symposium will draw on the notion of cathedral thinking to explore how we can design for the next century. Using this framework, the symposium focuses on finding "a far-reaching vision, a well-thought-out blueprint, and a shared commitment to long-term implementation” for the next century.


Keynote: Change is a Design Problem

Nick Law, Chief Creative Officer of Publicis Groupe, will discuss design's role in managing change and reimagining the future.

Session 1: Revisiting Utopia

An investigation of architecture, design and planning visions developed and revised over the last 100 years and how they have defined or failed to define life on our planet.

Session 2: Reality Check

A stock take of current research priorities and achievements in architecture, design and planning, and how they relate to the past and contribute to the future.

Session 3: Designing 2118

A reflection on the challenges ahead, visualised through proposals in the form of prototypes, theories and speculative future visions grounded in architecture, design and planning research.


The symposium will take place on August 2-3, 2018. Click here to see the full program.