Building and Waterproofing Consultancy Services is an experienced, registered and accredited consultancy, specialising in all building industry waterproofing and waterproofing related issues, including inspections, reports, design, specification development and preparation, and advisory services.

All too often waterproofing measures in buildings are found to be far less than that which is necessary, regardless of appropriate guidelines which may or may not be readily available through The Building Code of Australia or relevant Australian standards.

The costs associated with instituting sound, requisite waterproofing throughout building structures during the construction phrase is a drop in the bucket when compared to the crippling costs of the installation or replacement of waterproofing after completion of construction.

First, one has to consider the consequential damage frequently associated with failed waterproofing provisions, and then the rather destructive process of demolishing of existing finishes and fixtures in order to expose the suspect waterproofing and finally the costs of installing the correct waterproofing system complete with reinstatement.

Without question there is a pressing need to move forward on the issue of correct selection of system and installation methods.